viernes, 24 de junio de 2016


-Human Resources

Is the most valuable of the organization "People who shape".It means to maintain and créate links between workers, be attentive to their health, their knowledge, skills , abilities and encourage teamwork.

-Strategic management
Focus especially on long-term goals, the actions and resources needed to achieve it. The strategy of the company is essential! From it is that all the work will be done to achieve the goal of it is made. It is for higher roles of the company .. those who say what to do for the next 2, 3 years able to guarantee success.

-Production Management

Linked to companies that produce goods and services, They are responsible for the operations carried out internally to improve, organize, control or plan them. The idea is that if you improve the way they operate and production processes, would save time, resources (raw material) costs, which means more profit for the organization.


Focuses on the needs and desires of the people, the idea is to influence these desires making the products attractive to customers, accessible and available. It's all a branch with a social mix to know the best way to sell  through study of consumer behavior.


The money. Investment, financing, control costs, monitor expenditure, develop projections. Extremely important because the goal of any organization is to make money.

-Information technology

You would learn about new technologies, systems, to help you plan, manage and develop your strategies, or check that everything goes in order. You could also be involved in the development of systems and solutions for the organization. The idea is that all software should simplify the work the company.